Hours:                Thursday through Saturday 9 a.m. - 2: p.m.


 CLOSED:              Sunday through Wednesday and all major holiday's



About Zen Balance Massage

~Mission Statement~

At Zen Balance Massage we believe there is no greater honor than to be of service to others. Inspired by our purpose to Love One Another and supported by our nurturing environment, we provide a personalized, healing, therapeutic massage with a compassionate touch and a focus on wellness.


Zen Balance Massage (formerly Mary Ann's Massage) was founded in 2013. The therapists are all caring professionals who are extremely talented and skilled in their trade. Their focus is helping others and the business is run with a lot of "heart". 

The owner, Mary Ann,  has been a massage therapist for over 21 years and absolutely LOVES what she does! She chooses her therapists very carefully to emulate the goals she has set for her therapy and her business.

She and her therapists love helping their clients achieve balance and health through massage therapy. They pride themselves at being able to tune in to their client's needs and tailor each and every massage to exactly what they need at that time. They truly care and listen to what you, the client is expecting to get out of each session and do their best to obtain those goals.

You will not get a "one size fits all" approach from your massage at Zen Balance. The therapists continually seek to learn new techniques and therapies and use multiple modalities to get the best results possible.

Her therapists are proficient at many massage modalities some of which include: Therapeutic Massage,  Swedish, Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Release, Sports Massage, Shiatsu, Lymphatic Drainage,  and Prenatal. Their work allows the body to de-stress and alleviates discomfort from chronic pain, repetitive motion syndromes, and tendinitis. Their techniques also help clients to achieve deep levels of relaxation, well-being and a sense of calm. They also offer Reiki that facilitates deep relaxation and healing.

Please visit our Yelp page at https://www.yelp.com/biz/mary-anns-massage-phoenix-2 or Google page https://www.google.com/search?q=zen+balance+massage+google&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS753US753&oq=zen&aqs=chrome.1.69i60j69i59j69i57j69i59j69i61l2j69i60l2.6466j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 and read our reviews. We have a 5-star rating on both and hope you visit us soon so you too can take advantage of our amazing service and unmatched rates.

Mary Ann Merritt L.M.T. -

Mary Ann worked in a Scottsdale Chiropractic office for twelve years helping many clients with relief from chronic pain. During that time she also saw private clients and many geriatric clients. That is when she realized at some point she would be helping those who were in chronic pain or near end of life.

Her intention, in her massage work, and for all the therapists at Zen Balance Massage, is to help you heal through therapeutic massage.


Zen Balance contractors include several very talented and skilled massage therapists. Each therapist has been carefully selected to embody and support the goals and commitment we have for helping clients achieve health and balance.


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